His Promises

Someone I didn’t really know asked me to pray for him. I didn’t really know what to say or pray, so I asked God to help him and to give me the words He wanted me to say to this person to help. This poem came to me so fast I could barely type it as fast as it was coming. No rewrites; no edits. These are God’s words to a hurting soul. He has been urging me to share these words with others, which is the reason for this blog. I pray these words and other things we post here will touch you as God intends.


photo credit: wordforlifesays.com

His Promises

Come lay down your burdens
At the foot of the cross:
Your pain and your heartache,
Your sorrows and loss.
Just give them to Jesus;
He’ll take them from you.
Remember His promises,
Faithful and true:
He’s said that He’d love us
And care for us all.
He’s said if we trust Him,
He won’t let us fall.
He’s promised provision
For all of our needs.
He’s promised to nurture
Our smallest faith seeds.
He’s promised to be near
Wherever we are
And light up our way
Like the bright morning star.
He’s promised support
When our knees may grow weak
If only his face
We’ll remember to seek.
He’s promised us justice
And righteousness, too.
Just remember the promises
Given to you.
You know you can trust Him
Whatever you’ve done.
Forget all the darkness
And turn toward the Son.

© 2013 Denise McKenney

Feel free to print, share or repost anything on this blog. I do ask that you let me know if you use one of my poems on your blog or at your church somehow. It might give me an idea of better ways to spread His words, which I am always looking to do. And of course, always keep the copyright symbol and my name with the poem so I continue to have the right to use them. You may not realize that if something is posted enough times without the copyright notice, I could lose the copyright and then someone else could conceivably file for a copyright and I would no longer be able to use my own poems! It has happened, so please make sure the (c) is always on the poem whenever you repost. Thanks!

God bless,
Denise McKenney

About dforchrist

I am a 50+-year-old Christian, live in Indiana with my husband and 3 cats, and love Jesus. God has been giving me the ability to write incredible poems lately as well as the urge to share them. I pray they touch you as He intends.
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1 Response to His Promises

  1. I have an Iron ring I bought in Southern Germany in the mid 80s. If I get the chance I will post a photo of it.

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